Keeping Up-To-Date

Keeping up to date is a big part of being an IBCLC – making sure practice is evidence-based.  This week I have been fortunate enough to experience some local and world-renowned speakers who I found inspiring.

Kathleen Marinelli is a neonatologist and Director of her hospital’s Lactation Support Services.  Her dynamic talk was on a gut disorder in babies and breastfeeding’s role in protecting against and minimizing the risks of this illness.  She also gave a talk on her hospital’s treatment of ‘late, pre-term babies’.  Her approach is of careful observation while keeping the mother and baby together whenever possible and only intervening when absolutely necessary.
Other speakers discussed the risks involved of offering babies ‘Just One Bottle’ and a update on current research happening in Perth.
These topics have implications for me as an IBCLC – both in terms of my practice and awareness of what a mother may have experienced before I see them in a consultation.  It’s a pleasure to keep abreast of current topics with speakers like this.
Image by Kookai Nak


  1. And then you got to have lunch with her!!! LOL!

  2. Stacey Revie

    It was a very pleasant surprise to see Kathleen Marenelli at a lunch today with other IBCLC’s from North Brisbane. She is very down-to-Earth and generous with her knowledge. Thanks for the comment Naomi.

  3. Stacey Revie

    I was lucky enough to attend the Birth To Breastfeeding Seminar today. International presenters Dr Alison Barrett and Carol Bartle provided plenty of food for thought and plenty of research to back themselves up. Not surprisingly, there was a lot of discussion about the benefits of skin-to-skin to both mothers and babies. Both presenters shared their passion for supporting mothers through the birthing process and towards a normal and natural progression to breastfeeding.

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